Examination with the Fibroscan 502 Touch medical device is a new non-invasive test that uses shear wave technology to measure hepatic fibrosis.
After many years of waiting, this test is now available for US patients with chronic Hepatitis B and C and other forms of liver disease. This device was approved by FDA in April 2013 and now the 2014 European and US Guidelines for Hepatitis C management do/will soon recommend Fibroscan as an alternative to liver biopsy.
Our office has used Fibroscan successfully in HCV clinical trials involving over 150 research subjects over the past year, thereby providing the first access to approved FibroScan in LA County.
by David Bernstein, MD (Chief, Division of Hepatology, North Shore-LIJ Health System, Manhasset, New York)
Article here: http://www.gastroendonews.com/download/BB1412_WM.pdf
Live Webinar from May 20th 2014 | Dr. Nezam Afdhal is the director of Hepatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Afdhal has performed FibroScan on more than 5000 patients over the past 8 years.
by William Kemp MBBS, PhD, FRACP, consultant gastroenterologist and hepatologist, Department of Gastroenterology, The Alfred, Melbourne and Monash University Central Clinical School, Melbourne, Victoria Stuart Roberts MBBS, MD, FRACP, Director of Hepatology, Department of Gastroenterology, The Alfred, Melbourne, Victoria
Article Here: http://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2013/july/fibroscan/
J Foucher, E Chanteloup, J Vergniol, L Castéra, X Adhoute, J Bertet, P Couzigou, Service d'Hépato‐Gastroentérologie, Centre d'Investigation de la Fibrose hépatique, Hôpital Haut Lévêque, CHU Bordeaux, Pessac, France
Article Here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1856085/
by Samir Haffar Follow by Samir Haffar, Gastroenterologist - Ultrasonographist Jul 30, 2013
by Samir Haffar Follow by Samir Haffar, Gastroenterologist - Ultrasonographist May 14, 2013